Will Work for Change
Neight Adamson writes in: “Obama with the world on his mind, taking on the challenges of a new president, symbolically surrounding him with the abundant struggles to overcome…” Jump inside for the full image and an additional work.
More from Neight
With the rise of unexpected homeless at the bottom of the food chain getting hit by a depression, a one dollar collar representing greed as the stars and stripes form a cigarette addiction on his tie, medicine resting on a dying skulls tongue symbolizing our health care, a statue representing liberty overcoming the chains that tie us all down with hidden eyes watching us from the rising sun. “Will Work for Change” is something that we can all
promote and hope for.
February 2nd, 2010 at 8:44 pm
Seni Kulit Telur, suatu tehnik unik untuk menciptakan suatu karya seni
yang membutuh kan ketelitian, ketekunan, kesabaran yang sangat luar biasa.
Hasil Seni tanpa warna cat tambahan, kecuali bidang background
sebagai pemanis menggunakan tambahan warna coklat atau hitam.