Thank You
Tuesday, December 29th, 2009 | 1 Comment »Michael Nguyen sent in this great portrait: “Barack in the light of America, just about to say “thank you”. The original flash animation is embedded here if you’d like to see it.”
Michael Nguyen sent in this great portrait: “Barack in the light of America, just about to say “thank you”. The original flash animation is embedded here if you’d like to see it.”
Neight Adamson writes in: “Obama with the world on his mind, taking on the challenges of a new president, symbolically surrounding him with the abundant struggles to overcome…” Jump inside for the full image and an additional work.
OK – the Acid was amusing and the Ecstasy was clever – but, heroin? Who thinks to themselves: “I really need to score some smack — but only if it’s Obama brand! “…. via the smoving gun.
Thanks to everyone who enjoyed yesterday’s post and decided to send in this related item: “The Obama pills–usually of the Ecstasy variety–have been seized from drug dealers by cops in a variety of U.S. cities. The pills, available in a rainbow of colors, usually retail for about $20 each.” via the smoking gun.
The Apothecary’s Blotter Gallery on (the obviously drug related website) Erowid is currently featuring some LSD blotter with the presedents likeness. Found via BoingBoing.
Crap, I promised that was the last one by Jayson Musson … but they just keep getting better! Here is another wonderfully inappropriate one: “Come with me if you want to live!” Happy December ;)
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