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Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

The Chef Traveler had a bit of inspiration that we wanted to pass on: “Some artists were moved to write a song, others were motivated to write a poem.  I’m a chef so I decided to create a recipe…. Obama Thanksgiving Pie”


From the Chef

Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner I decided to come up with a pie recipe.  It had to be different, and  it had to represent the diversity of Obama’s upbringing.  Quite a challenge but I think it could be done, what do you think?

Yes we can!

No self respecting african american would leave sweet potato pie off the thanksgiving dessert table, so I decided to start with that.  I decided to use allspice to represent all of the people coming together for a common cause (o.k. that’s a stretch).  I also decided to use light brown sugar to resemble our president-elect’s light brown skin (o.k. this is getting bad).  Do you have faith I can still salvage this pie?

Get the full recipe!



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