Archive for October, 2009
White House & Record Face
Monday, October 19th, 2009 | No Comments »Spotted in photostream and simply noted as: “White House, Carlito Brigante visits Washington DC”. What a great mix of location, stencil and media. However, the placement of the whole does remind me of this strange comic.
I have a dream (golliwogs)
Tuesday, October 13th, 2009 | 3 Comments »Normally, we only post art that explicitly represents the likeness of Barack Obama. So, this one from Dickson Brown was almost deleted outright. That would have been a shame… Jump inside to learn why this image is so powerful.
Obami (the whole family)
Monday, October 12th, 2009 | No Comments »sends in another great work: “This sculpture was inspired by the photo the Obamas used on a holiday greeting card. Fired stoneware painted with acrylics, 5 [inches tall]”
President Obama (Long Neck Version)
Sunday, October 11th, 2009 | No Comments »Antonio Coria writes in: “I wish I participate to your intelligent initiative, I am an Italian artist and paint portraits for a long time, especially I tie the art of Amedeo Modigliani’s a great artist who was inspired by the canons of African art that is why you see long necks, I find that this extraordinary neo with the Nobel Prize for Peace, Obama President of Hope from around the world, is well reviewed in accordance with the beauty of Africa that has as its principle the extension of the forms.”
You are currently browsing the The Art of Obama weblog archives for October, 2009.
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- Obama (464)