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Xerox creativity (Why So Serious)

Spotted by several readers in photostream: “Driving through JC and happened to see these. Caught my eye…everyone is entitled to an opinion.” I wonder who would win in a fight – Obama Joker, or Obama Batman?

3812517583_7d71b01fb8_o.jpg (140 KB)

Or even this Obama Batman.

3812517583_7d71b01fb8_o.jpg (140 KB)

3 Responses to “Xerox creativity (Why So Serious)”

  1. Thelma Says:

    Xerox indeed!

    I have seen some of these in my neighborhood in LA… Except, they are in color and featre the word Socialism!

    The sadly hilarious Right Wing News site even mentioned them:

  2. Abolt Says:

    That’s just stupid. The person who made those needs to look up the word in a dictonary!

  3. Fascism vs Socialism (is this the original?) | The Art of Obama Says:

    [...] Xerox creativity (Why So Serious) Obama Riding a Mastodon [...]

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